Something good about this but also the 2nd sentiment can easily come from someone who is infatuated and insecurely obsessed. A stable commitment is, as far as I can tell, made out of the recognition that THIS is worth betting on, given everything else you know about the world.

Source: had a first marriage. Just got married a 2nd time and everybody who was there seems to think I know what I'm doing (I know better, but I'm pretty sure I know enough.)

But then ONCE you've committed, then HARD YES. That person becomes essential, and is not to be compared to other people (but perhaps still compared: to the moon, or to goddesses, or to songs).

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"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” - Jubal Harshaw, from Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert A. Heinlein.

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Omg, it's so adorable! And so true! Love it! - essentially ;)

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